Core Lean not only sponsored but also joined as a team Run Mate Lake Geneva 2022!! It was a fantastic team and personal experience, and we are proud to partner with OC Sport, who once again demonstrated their professionalism and quality to make this extraordinary event take place.
As a team, we want to end this newsletter series with our spirits very high in memory of one of our own who will always be part of our team: Mr. Dirk Müller.
for the endovascular treatment of strokes (Cerebral Vascular Accidents)
Dirk Müller was a great leader with great passion - an inspiration to all who knew him! Both in his professional life and in his personal life.
One of Dirk Müller's great values was to give his best to help others, regardless of his position. In December 2019, just about to go to Peru to spend Christmas with his wife's family, he suffered a stroke and, 10 days later, lost his last battle. His wife Nereyda and sons Marc & Chris are grateful and blessed to have met Dirk, even if it was a short presence.
Eager to follow his example and the many values he always taught us, the Dirk Müller Foundation aims to contribute to the introduction of endovascular techniques through clinical scholarships in Peru, so that doctors can train other colleagues after their training.
Stroke is one of the main causes of mortality in Peru, being the second cause of death in the country. According to current studies, endovascular therapy is crucial for severe stroke. In most cases, only a few patients undergo mechanical/endovascular thrombectomy, which is due to the lack of training of doctors.
Core Lean is an innovative consulting firm specializing in coaching work teams to achieve breakthrough results. Dirk Müller participated in the exciting project of giving birth to Core Lean. Founded by veterans of FMCG industries with extensive and diverse experience in running world-class operations, Core Lean has a unique approach to coaching and developing people. The Core Lean team is committed to supporting the work of the Foundation, to ensure that Dirk's dreams, and ours too, come true. Dirk Müller is for sure another member of the Core Lean Run Mate team.
We would like to thank you for your donations; thanks to you, we will go further!